Thursday, June 6, 2013

Knitting With Wire Experiments

I was doing a research project in library school when I became intrigued with wire crochet and knitting.  I didn't have the time to explore it.  And unfortunately, that pathfinder never came to be.  The subject was narrowed considerably.

Now that a few years have gone by, I have the time to do some crafting exploration and experimentation.

I bought a small spool of 28 gauge wire -- just enough to play with and not break my budget.

If you know how to knit and/or crochet with yarn, you can do the same with wire.  Just remember that wire may not stand up to fancy stitching.  I did do some stitch increases in my first pendant.

My wire experiments from left to right, top to bottom:
1. Purse shaped pendant, knitted.
2. Triangular or teardrop shaped pendant, knitted. (1st experiment)
3.  Crocheted link.
4.  Beaded pendant, Knitted.
5.  Beaded bracelet, Knitted.
Just for fun I crocheted one pendant (see #3 in the photo).  I prefer the look of knitted wire, but that's just me.

To step it up, I added some beads.  I still need to buy a clasp for the bracelet.

I did learn a few things about wire knitting:

If your needle drops out, do NOT panic.  There is no need to panic.  The great thing about knitting with wire is that it will not unravel on its own.

Wire is malleable.  You can shove a strand out of your way, add some shape after you are done.  So much easier than blocking a sweater.

You can cut thin wire with basic household shears.

What craft experiments have you done?


  1. I have not thought about knitting with wire. When I get home from vacation I will have to look at what is in my beading supplies and see if anything is appropriate.

    Just discovered your blog today and read it in chronological order. It was fun to learn that you went to library school. I graduated with my MLIS in 2002. I have been a K-5 librarian for the past 11 years. I love my job and knitting, too!

    1. Thank you, Christine, for your comment. It's the first for my blog so you will hold a special place in my e-heart! ;-)

      I started my MLS in 2002! I worked at a public library while going to library school. I was so busy but liked the fact that I real world experience I could relate to my fellow students and to my school work.

      Please let me know how your knitting with wire experiment works out.

  2. I never thought of this, how cool. My big experiment since starting to knit again is felting. It's like magic! You knit something out of wool (not superwash wool) and throw in the washing machine and you create fabric! Very cool
