Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Free-form Crochet Project

Recently, I was inspired by a project a friend posted online.  The project was a free-form crocheted doily.

It's been awhile since I used a crochet hook for more than casting on or retrieving drop stitches.  Even longer since I used steel hooks.  I had to look deep for them.

I started with three colors of size 5 crochet thread and my number 6 steel hook.  Armed with that and my knowledge of crochet, I made a chain of 6 and closed the loop.

What happened next, I really do not remember.  I zoned out.  Lost track of time.  enjoyed just crocheting whatever I wanted.

There's something scary yet liberating about starting a project without a pattern.  If I felt like doing single crochet that is what I did.  I chained loops, made picots on a whim.  Not too many picots as I've always had a dislike for making them.

When I took a moment to stop this is what I had:

The vague owl shape in the upper left corner just happened. The dark thread is not black but rather a really deep purple labeled Orchid.

By this time I was feeling a need for more colors.  Three was jut too limiting.  So back to the store I went and purchased three more colors.

Once again, I started.  I added the new colors wherever seemed right at the time.  When I wanted to experiment with a stitch improvisation I did.

As I did before, I lost track of time.  I entered a zone, calming place.  this is why they same crochet and knitting can be calming for you.  I felt at peace.  I felt creative.  I felt strong.

There is no wrong no right when doing free-form.  the only judgement I used was "this feels right."

It amazing to take a step back and look at the work.  I see things I didn't see while crocheting.  

Can you see a hooded figure coming off the owl's right ear?

I will be posting more photographs of this.  I did get two more colors.

I wondered what will happen next.

Here is what happened next:

I looked at it and it told me it was finished.

I thought back "I'm glad you are.  But I don't know if I hate the pink more than the red or vice versa.  You sure got ugly."

I guess that's the danger of having too many colors on hand.  I really wanted an old gold color before I went for pink, but the stupid box store didn't have any old gold.  Guess I need to shop elsewhere.

I may just take the scissors to it and return it to the first picture.  If I can bring myself to do such harm even to an ugly object.



    May I say this is the same experience I had with my first one!! I am so standing up and applauding you !!!! WELL DONE!! -- Karla

  2. Thank you for your comment and thank you for the inspiration that started it all!
