Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Knitting at a Crossroads

The creative process of knitting socks can be fraught with emotion.

I have found the beginning of a new pair of socks, or any project, that I feel a certain anxiety, one that is part dread at worrying if it will work, and part excited anticipation of making something new and wonderful.

I finished these socks recently and
was disappointed that they were a
shade too long for me to wear.

Then towards the middle  part of the project, I find tiredness, an ennui, a boredom related to the repetition of stitches and/or color.

The end of a pair of socks can be filled with closure and pride in a  job well done.  It can also be filled with sadness and lost at the ending of a relationship with this work.  And if there is no other project waiting to be done, anxiety at having nothing to look forward to.

I have felt all this in the socks projects I have done.  I have felt them in other projects, even non-knitting ones.

Right now, I am in between sock projects.  I have finished a pair of blender socks and have no idea of what to knit next.

Another blender sock?

Perhaps a new pattern found in a book or on a website? 

And which yarn will I use?

I feel like I'm stuck at a knitting crossroads.  Do I sell my needles to the Knitting Crossroads Demon?

What do you do when you are creatively stuck?  Or have you never been?  Do you have any comments on what I should knit next?

1 comment:

  1. Give yourself patience.....time and centered-ness, look to your core... and the next opportunity will arise with out much effort on your part at all. It may be knitting....or something new! Gosh the anticipation is riveting - I hope it will last!
